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Montana State pins a ribbon on rodeo weekend with six event titles

Montana State's Cody Faulkner
and last updated

BOZEMAN — Montana State put a ribbon on their spring rodeo weekend Sunday morning with six Bobcats taking home gold in their events.

Here are results from Sunday’s Short Go Rounds:

Bareback Bronc Riding

140Brody SmithUMW
139Cruz McNultyMCC
116Ethan FraiserMSU

Steer Wrestling

9.1Bryce HarrisonUMW
9.2Jake NelsonMSU
13.3Garret YeagerUMW
14.0Justin DahlMSU

Tiedown Roping

19.3Caleb BerquistMSU
20.6Levi DelamarterMSU
21.5Alonzo SkunkcapUMW
21.9Jake FaulknerMSU

Goat Tying

14.5Shelby RasmussenMSU
14.7Page RasmussenMSU
14.7Lindsay PulsipherMSU
15.4Celie SalmondMSU
`15.4 Jayne KeeleyMSUN


5.9Mikayla WitterUMW
6.0Celie SalmondMSU
6.2Samantha KernsMSU`
7.1Ryland LufkinUMW


31.65Tayla MoeykensMSU
32.66Samantha KernsMSU
32.92Bella FossumMSU
32.96Celie SalmondMSU

Saddle Bronc

61Cody FaulknerMSU
58Tyler TurcoUMT

Team Roping

13.6Caleb Berquist/Maclain CatheyMSU
14.9James Ramirez/Jake CeriniUMW
18.0Rope 3 Irons/Alonzo SkunkcapMSUN/UMW
27.4Ashley Koenig/Peyton MullanixMSU/DAWS

Men's Team

830University of Montana Western
710Montana State

Women's Team

850Montana State
135University of Montana Western

Men's All-Around

320Caleb BerquistMontana State

Women's All-Around

295Samantha KernsMontana State