BILLINGS – The 10th Annual Yellowstone Elementary School Cross Country Meet is Tuesday, October 9th at Pioneer Park in Billings. The event features six one-mile races. The race order will start with 3rd graders followed by 4th graders, and conclude with the 5th graders. Girls will run first in each grade category followed by the boys. The first race starts at 4:15 p.m.
The cross country meet is free to participants registered by October 1 and $10 for entries received between October 2 and October 8. There is no race day registration. Race number pick up is Monday, October 8 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at The Mansfield Health Education Center- St. Vincent Healthcare (1233 North 30th Street). Race-day number pick up is for out of town participants only. It will be located in the Southeast corner of Pioneer Park and is available from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The races will be timed and scored. The top school in each age group and gender will receive an award as well as the top five individuals in each grade and gender. Two traveling trophies will be awarded. The Spirit Trophy will be awarded to the school with the most participants per capita and the Top Dog Trophy to the school with the most participants. Participants are encouraged to show their team spirit and wear their school colors.
The purpose of the meet is to introduce young people to a positive running experience. Cross Country is a sport where everyone can participate and individuals can experience success by meeting their personal goals. Last year the meet hosted 1,000 participants.