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Belt Rodeo set to return this weekend

and last updated

BELT — It’s been two years since any cowboy or cowgirl competed in the annual Belt Rodeo, but it is making its return this weekend.

Last year's rodeo - like virtually all others - was canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Clancy Siversten, the Belt Rodeo Association president, expects this year to be one of the biggest turnouts given how last year turned out and how big the buildup is to this year’s rodeo.

“People are ready to go out, they’re ready to do things,” Siversten said. “I know for sure the cowboys and cowgirls are excited and ready to be able to go.”

The fairgrounds in Belt have a capacity nearly 2,500 spectators and Siversten expects a full crowd for it.

“It’s great for the community too because this is the biggest event of the year for the Belt community, and people can go uptown to other local businesses and have a good time,” Siversten added.

The rodeo kicks off Saturday night at 6 p.m. and continues Sunday at 2 p.m.

From the Event page on Facebook:

Family fun and entertainment! Socialize with your friends, take dad for a day out on Sunday for Fathers Day! Come enjoy watching the best cowboys and cowgirls in the Montana circuit compete for the prize money!

Two day event, Saturday June 19th at 6pm and Sunday June 20th at 2pm. Tickets available at the gate. $15.00 for adults, $7.00 for ages 6 to 16, children 5 and under FREE!!!! We hope to see you there!

EXTRA FUN Saturday 2pm Calcutta at the East Side Bar! Buy your favorite cowboy or cowgirl and share the benefits of their win with cash!!!

EXTRA EXTRA FUN Sunday parade at 11am through down town Belt. Kiddie rodeo to follow with Miss Rodeo Montana at Belt Park right before the rodeo!