HELENA – Back in the stands Thursday night at the Jungle for the Bengal’s victory over Belgrade was Helena Super Fan “Bengal Billy”.
The long time fixture at Helena sporting events has been battling with some heath issues recently that made attending games more difficult, but he was back Thursday and it’s always something the team appreciates.
“Upbeat personality,” was the first thing Helena boys head coach and former player Brandon Day said came to mind when thinking of Bill. “All the kids love him and respect him and he still brings a smile to everyone’s face.”
“He sparks our team,” added guard Connor Murgel. “Honestly, he sparks the entire program when he’s here. He just has so much energy. It’s nice to have somebody like that.”
“Still the same ol’ Bengal Bill. He gets the crowd fired up,” said former Helena player and JV head coach Jason Murgel. “The kids always enjoy seeing him when he’s here. I mean, he’s quite the folk hero here in Helena. It’s a neat atmosphere when he’s here because he really gets the crowd into it, and even as a coach you’re a little more excited seeing him.”