High School SportsHigh School Football


MontanaSports.com Original: Columbia Falls’ Lane Sapa cheated death in 2017 incident


COLUMBIA FALLS — Sunday, July 9, 2017 is a day Lane Sapa, his family, friends and many in the community of Columbia Falls will remember for the rest of their lives. It was that afternoon a seemingly harmless activity became a life-and-death situation, one that required multiple scenarios to come together at the exact right time to save Lane’s life.

An unforeseeable accident would leave Lane in a coma for multiple days, but his family, along with head football coach Jaxon Schweikert, relied on the power of prayer and positive thinking and watched as Lane defied medical odds and walked out of the hospital with no serious side effects.

The latest MontanaSports.com Original: “Cheating Death,” takes us to Bad Rock Canyon, where Lane’s accident occurred, as seen through the eyes of some of those that helped save his life.