#5. Riley Ames with the foul territory robbery.
AA softball semi final between Helena Capital and Great Falls High. Bruins defense coming up big. Annie Toon rips this one foul down the first base line and Riley Ames with the sweet grab tracking it down. Bison win though.
#4. Kylee Stoll makes a big league snag!
The state AA softball championship, Missoula Sentinel and Great Falls High. Taylor Brinkman gets ahold of this but Kylee Stoll at second base with the diving catch! Nothing gets by her! The Bison build off of that play to an undefeated season and a state title.
#3. Jenks reaches a mark and hasn’t been seen in a long time.
We go to the state track and field meet. AA boys shot put. Helena Capital senior Justin Jenks saves his best performance for last, he careens out 64 feet, 3 and 1/2 inches! Good grief! That’s the best mark by a Montana thrower in 28 years. That’s the third furthest throw in state history.
#2. Sentinel’s defense comes through on Weisgram’s diving sprawl.
Back to the Sentinel Great Falls High game. The Spartans may have lost but they did give us this gem. Madi Ray thinks she has a hit into center field but check out Brooklyn Weisgram hauling it in with the diving catch. Let’s watch that in slow motion, fantastic sprawling catch from the Sentinel senior!
#1. Damien Nelson with the most epic mic drop of the year!
You knew this was coming, the most talked about news of the weekend. AA boys 100 meter dash finals at state track, CMR senior Damien Nelson with the best high school mic drop of the year. An all class state record of 10.5 seconds, wow! That’s incredible! Nelson got a standing ovation from the crowd as he should, we’ll be watching his MSU Northern football career with great interest.