COLUMBIA FALLS — The Frenchtown Broncs opened a 22-point lead over Polson after the opening day of the Western A divisional wrestling tournament on Friday. Frenchtown is ranked No. 4 in Class A, while the Pirates were voted No. 5.
Day 1 finished with wrestlers advancing to the semifinals. Saturday’s action will begin with grapplers aiming to move into the championship round.
Frenchtown sends a pair of 103-pound wrestlers into the semifinals, where Landen Stewart and Eli Warner will square off for the rights to move to the title match. Walker Dyer (113 pounds), Jake Bibler (120), Riley Gurr (138), Michael Edwards (160), Tate Jones (182), Levi Downard (205) and Jesse Mecham (285) will also compete in the semifinals on Saturday for the Broncs. Bibler and Gurr are top-ranked in their respective weight classes.
Polson is led by 152-pound No. 1 Parker Adler with seven semifinalists. Adler will meet Whitefish’s Robert Bertelsen on Saturday.
Ronan, Columbia Falls and Libby-Troy round out the top five teams after Friday’s first round.
Dillon’s Brent Tezak, the No. 1 athlete at 160 pounds, is also in the semifinals.
Friday’s results can be found below.
Team standings
Frenchtown 121.5
Polson 99.5
Ronan 92
Columbia Falls 91
Libby-Troy 77
Browning 63
Corvallis 54
Hamilton-Darby 48.5
Dillon 36
Whitefish 36
Stevensville 26
Butte Central 14
103 pounds
2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
Cons. Round 2 – Trevor Bartel (Ronan) 15-8 won by fall over Logan Bratch (Hamilton / Darby) 16-29 (Fall 0:38)
Cons. Round 2 – Ashton Flamand (Browning) 23-9 won by major decision over Jackson Carson (Whitefish) 15-14 (MD 12-1)
Quarterfinals and WB
Quarterfinal – Trapper Mcallister (Ronan) 18-6 won by fall over Ashton Flamand (Browning) 23-9 (Fall 3:43)
Quarterfinal – Maysn Cowell (Polson) 14-8 won by fall over Roy Russell (Butte Central) 15-15 (Fall 1:45)
Quarterfinal – Landen Stewart (Frenchtown) 14-4 won by fall over Nathan Sproul (Whitefish) 18-16 (Fall 5:45)
Quarterfinal – Eli Warner (Frenchtown) 34-9 won by fall over Trevor Bartel (Ronan) 15-8 (Fall 3:34)
Round 1 (16 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – Trapper Mcallister (Ronan) 18-6 won by fall over Logan Bratch (Hamilton / Darby) 16-29 (Fall 2:27)
Champ. Round 1 – Eli Warner (Frenchtown) 34-9 won by tech fall over Jackson Carson (Whitefish) 15-14 (TF-1.5 5:51 (15-0))
113 pounds
2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
Cons. Round 2 – Dean Kellogg (Whitefish) 25-15 won by fall over Ethen Cramer (Hamilton / Darby) 9-34 (Fall 0:29)
Cons. Round 2 – Nicolilai Blanchard (Frenchtown) 16-6 won by fall over Garhet Salminen (Columbia Falls) 6-26 (Fall 2:56)
Cons. Round 2 – Kellen Robbins (Stevensville / Victor) 24-9 won by major decision over John Laplant (Browning) 1-4 (MD 12-3)
Cons. Round 2 – Forest Wagoner (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 3-14 won by fall over Coeman Rahmsdorf (Corvallis) 13-17 (Fall 1:47)
Quarterfinals and WB
Quarterfinal – Buddy Doolin (Libby / Troy) 31-4 won by fall over Coeman Rahmsdorf (Corvallis) 13-17 (Fall 1:04)
Quarterfinal – Rene Pierre (Polson) 14-5 won by decision over Kellen Robbins (Stevensville / Victor) 24-9 (Dec 10-5)
Quarterfinal – Walker Dyer (Frenchtown) 34-7 won by fall over Nicolilai Blanchard (Frenchtown) 16-6 (Fall 0:39)
Quarterfinal – Mateo Quinones (Polson) 15-6 won by fall over Dean Kellogg (Whitefish) 25-15 (Fall 1:48)
Round 1 (16 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – Coeman Rahmsdorf (Corvallis) 13-17 won by fall over Ethen Cramer (Hamilton / Darby) 9-34 (Fall 2:40)
Champ. Round 1 – Rene Pierre (Polson) 14-5 won by tech fall over Garhet Salminen (Columbia Falls) 6-26 (TF-1.5 4:26 (16-1))
Champ. Round 1 – Walker Dyer (Frenchtown) 34-7 won by fall over John Laplant (Browning) 1-4 (Fall 2:53)
Champ. Round 1 – Mateo Quinones (Polson) 15-6 won by fall over Forest Wagoner (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 3-14 (Fall 3:03)
120 pounds
2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
Cons. Round 2 – Spencer Stagg (Ronan) 18-5 won by major decision over Nathan Buckley (Whitefish) 24-14 (MD 9-1)
Cons. Round 2 – Kedrick Baker (Polson) 11-9 won by fall over Cole Anson (Hamilton / Darby) 14-26 (Fall 4:25)
Cons. Round 2 – Zack Morrison (Libby / Troy) 24-12 won by fall over Jimmy Schmitt (Corvallis) 22-22 (Fall 1:46)
Cons. Round 2 – James Wissenbach (Corvallis) 22-14 won by decision over Dustin Steele (Stevensville / Victor) 21-14 (Dec 11-10)
Quarterfinals and WB
Quarterfinal – Jake Bibler (Frenchtown) 42-2 won by fall over Dustin Steele (Stevensville / Victor) 21-14 (Fall 0:11)
Quarterfinal – Zane Walchuk (Ronan) 12-4 won by decision over Zack Morrison (Libby / Troy) 24-12 (Dec 8-5)
Quarterfinal – Dillon Yeadon (Libby / Troy) 13-6 won by decision over Kedrick Baker (Polson) 11-9 (Dec 9-4)
Quarterfinal – Austin Nelson (Columbia Falls) 24-16 won in sudden victory – 1 over Spencer Stagg (Ronan) 18-5 (SV-1 6-4)
Cons. Round 1 – Cole Anson (Hamilton / Darby) 14-26 won by fall over Leroy Orel (Whitefish) 7-23 (Fall 0:20)
Cons. Round 1 – Jimmy Schmitt (Corvallis) 22-22 won by fall over Aaron Wells (Browning) 15-20 (Fall 0:56)
Round 1 (16 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – Dustin Steele (Stevensville / Victor) 21-14 won by fall over Nathan Buckley (Whitefish) 24-14 (Fall 1:57)
Champ. Round 1 – Zack Morrison (Libby / Troy) 24-12 won by fall over Cole Anson (Hamilton / Darby) 14-26 (Fall 0:59)
Champ. Round 1 – Zane Walchuk (Ronan) 12-4 won by fall over Leroy Orel (Whitefish) 7-23 (Fall 0:28)
Champ. Round 1 – Kedrick Baker (Polson) 11-9 won by fall over Aaron Wells (Browning) 15-20 (Fall 4:39)
Champ. Round 1 – Dillon Yeadon (Libby / Troy) 13-6 won by fall over Jimmy Schmitt (Corvallis) 22-22 (Fall 1:00)
Champ. Round 1 – Austin Nelson (Columbia Falls) 24-16 won by fall over James Wissenbach (Corvallis) 22-14 (Fall 0:59)
126 pounds
2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
Cons. Round 2 – Mason Sams (Libby / Troy) 14-14 won by fall over Brenan Running crane (Browning) 11-23 (Fall 0:39)
Cons. Round 2 – Xander Spady (Libby / Troy) 18-9 won by fall over Treven Mertins (Stevensville / Victor) 11-24 (Fall 0:28)
Cons. Round 2 – Brody Marcure (Frenchtown) 22-13 won by fall over Thomas Peters (Columbia Falls) 12-13 (Fall 2:39)
Quarterfinals and WB
Quarterfinal – Clay Fisher (Butte Central) 16-5 won by fall over John Warner (Frenchtown) 4-5 (Fall 3:02)
Quarterfinal – Dante Venema (Corvallis) 25-7 won by decision over Brody Marcure (Frenchtown) 22-13 (Dec 5-2)
Quarterfinal – Owen Brown (Ronan) 15-2 won by fall over Treven Mertins (Stevensville / Victor) 11-24 (Fall 1:56)
Quarterfinal – Michael Golden (Hamilton / Darby) 29-7 won by tech fall over Mason Sams (Libby / Troy) 14-14 (TF-1.5 4:45 (15-0))
Round 1 (16 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – John Warner (Frenchtown) 4-5 won by fall over Brenan Running crane (Browning) 11-23 (Fall 1:16)
Champ. Round 1 – Dante Venema (Corvallis) 25-7 won by decision over Xander Spady (Libby / Troy) 18-9 (Dec 9-2)
Champ. Round 1 – Owen Brown (Ronan) 15-2 won by fall over Thomas Peters (Columbia Falls) 12-13 (Fall 1:21)
132 pounds
2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
Cons. Round 2 – Tommy Cambell (Browning) 11-14 won by fall over Sidney Cooke (Whitefish) 1-22 (Fall 0:49)
Cons. Round 2 – Ayden Role (Columbia Falls) 21-10 won by decision over Kolby Reum (Ronan) 8-15 (Dec 5-0)
Cons. Round 2 – Owen Indreland (Frenchtown) 30-15 won by fall over Cody Crace (Libby / Troy) 25-20 (Fall 2:49)
Quarterfinals and WB
Quarterfinal – Bridger Wenzel (Polson) 19-4 won by major decision over Benji Opat (Corvallis) 19-13 (MD 9-1)
Quarterfinal – Triston Davis (Corvallis) 26-15 won by decision over Owen Indreland (Frenchtown) 30-15 (Dec 6-1)
Quarterfinal – Brandon Thomas (Columbia Falls) 20-13 won by decision over Ayden Role (Columbia Falls) 21-10 (Dec 5-2)
Quarterfinal – Trey Thompson (Libby / Troy) 35-9 won by fall over Sidney Cooke (Whitefish) 1-22 (Fall 1:01)
Round 1 (16 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – Bridger Wenzel (Polson) 19-4 won by fall over Tommy Cambell (Browning) 11-14 (Fall 0:45)
Champ. Round 1 – Owen Indreland (Frenchtown) 30-15 won by fall over Kolby Reum (Ronan) 8-15 (Fall 2:42)
Champ. Round 1 – Ayden Role (Columbia Falls) 21-10 won by decision over Cody Crace (Libby / Troy) 25-20 (Dec 6-0)
145 pounds
2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
Cons. Round 2 – Kaleb Unger (Polson) 2-1 won by decision over Tucker Masters (Libby / Troy) 9-6 (Dec 10-3)
Cons. Round 2 – Jack Eisenbarth (Whitefish) 32-12 won by fall over Eric Dolence (Ronan) 9-13 (Fall 1:33)
Cons. Round 2 – Daylon Moore (Hamilton / Darby) 20-21 won by fall over Jason Dobson (Columbia Falls) 11-7 (Fall 4:46)
Cons. Round 2 – Pete Gibson (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 9-13 won by fall over Chance Kittson jr (Browning) 12-15 (Fall 2:53)
Quarterfinals and WB
Quarterfinal – Cameron Brown (Polson) 18-1 won by fall over Pete Gibson (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 9-13 (Fall 3:40)
Quarterfinal – Nathan Hader (Columbia Falls) 25-16 won by decision over Jason Dobson (Columbia Falls) 11-7 (Dec 4-3)
Quarterfinal – Aaron Christensen (Corvallis) 25-12 won by decision over Jack Eisenbarth (Whitefish) 32-12 (Dec 7-6)
Quarterfinal – Kyler Pancake (Stevensville / Victor) 29-5 won by decision over Kaleb Unger (Polson) 2-1 (Dec 6-0)
Cons. Round 1 – Tucker Masters (Libby / Troy) 9-6 won by decision over Jadon Tipps (Stevensville / Victor) 17-26 (Dec 7-0)
Cons. Round 1 – Eric Dolence (Ronan) 9-13 won by fall over Mike Lamere (Browning) 0-5 (Fall 0:26)
Cons. Round 1 – Daylon Moore (Hamilton / Darby) 20-21 won by decision over Blake King (Frenchtown) 20-28 (Dec 7-1)
Cons. Round 1 – Chance Kittson jr (Browning) 12-15 won by decision over Zach Morgan (Corvallis) 17-18 (Dec 9-6)
Round 1 (16 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – Cameron Brown (Polson) 18-1 won by fall over Tucker Masters (Libby / Troy) 9-6 (Fall 1:32)
Champ. Round 1 – Pete Gibson (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 9-13 won by decision over Jadon Tipps (Stevensville / Victor) 17-26 (Dec 7-1)
Champ. Round 1 – Nathan Hader (Columbia Falls) 25-16 won by fall over Eric Dolence (Ronan) 9-13 (Fall 2:00)
Champ. Round 1 – Jason Dobson (Columbia Falls) 11-7 won by fall over Mike Lamere (Browning) 0-5 (Fall 2:28)
Champ. Round 1 – Jack Eisenbarth (Whitefish) 32-12 won by fall over Daylon Moore (Hamilton / Darby) 20-21 (Fall 1:39)
Champ. Round 1 – Aaron Christensen (Corvallis) 25-12 won by fall over Blake King (Frenchtown) 20-28 (Fall 5:38)
Champ. Round 1 – Kaleb Unger (Polson) 2-1 won by fall over Zach Morgan (Corvallis) 17-18 (Fall 0:52)
Champ. Round 1 – Kyler Pancake (Stevensville / Victor) 29-5 won by fall over Chance Kittson jr (Browning) 12-15 (Fall 1:43)
152 pounds
2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
Cons. Round 2 – Seth Cheff (Ronan) 15-13 won by fall over Isaac Balla (Columbia Falls) 3-18 (Fall 2:14)
Cons. Round 2 – Dustin Copeland (Hamilton / Darby) 20-15 won by fall over Caleb Pierre (Polson) 0-2 (Fall 4:57)
Cons. Round 2 – Christian Wyant (Frenchtown) 15-14 won by fall over Calvin Mckay (Browning) 1-9 (Fall 1:52)
Quarterfinals and WB
Quarterfinal – Parker Adler (Polson) 19-0 won by fall over Calvin Mckay (Browning) 1-9 (Fall 1:14)
Quarterfinal – Robert Bertelsen (Whitefish) 26-15 won by fall over Dustin Copeland (Hamilton / Darby) 20-15 (Fall 1:22)
Quarterfinal – Drew Schmitt (Corvallis) 28-7 won by fall over Seth Cheff (Ronan) 15-13 (Fall 1:39)
Quarterfinal – Cooper Hoffman (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 14-6 won by fall over Dawson Young (Libby / Troy) 34-17 (Fall 5:54)
Round 1 (16 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – Robert Bertelsen (Whitefish) 26-15 won by fall over Isaac Balla (Columbia Falls) 3-18 (Fall 1:46)
Champ. Round 1 – Seth Cheff (Ronan) 15-13 won by fall over Caleb Pierre (Polson) 0-2 (Fall 1:18)
Champ. Round 1 – Dawson Young (Libby / Troy) 34-17 won by major decision over Christian Wyant (Frenchtown) 15-14 (MD 10-2)
160 pounds
2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
Cons. Round 2 – Joseph Anderson (Browning) 12-9 won by fall over Camren Ross (Whitefish) 14-27 (Fall 1:55)
Cons. Round 2 – Hyme Anderson (Hamilton / Darby) 22-23 won by fall over Ryan Kipp (Browning) 12-10 (Fall 3:24)
Cons. Round 2 – Braydon Stone (Columbia Falls) 18-17 won by fall over Aalec Pace (Whitefish) 7-20 (Fall 3:57)
Cons. Round 2 – Daniel Collins bishop (Ronan) 6-17 won by fall over Derrik Gasvoda (Corvallis) 22-21 (Fall 2:20)
Quarterfinals and WB
Quarterfinal – Brent Tezak (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 16-0 won by fall over Daniel Collins bishop (Ronan) 6-17 (Fall 2:41)
Quarterfinal – Dan Cheff iii (Ronan) 8-3 won by decision over Braydon Stone (Columbia Falls) 18-17 (Dec 7-5)
Quarterfinal – Tim Carvey (Libby / Troy) 29-14 won by fall over Hyme Anderson (Hamilton / Darby) 22-23 (Fall 1:09)
Quarterfinal – Michael Edwards (Frenchtown) 22-5 won by fall over Joseph Anderson (Browning) 12-9 (Fall 1:53)
Cons. Round 1 – Ryan Kipp (Browning) 12-10 won by fall over Isaak Maxfield (Stevensville / Victor) 19-21 (Fall 2:08)
Cons. Round 1 – Aalec Pace (Whitefish) 7-20 won by decision over Abel Kimmel (Polson) 0-2 (Dec 9-2)
Round 1 (16 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – Brent Tezak (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 16-0 won by fall over Camren Ross (Whitefish) 14-27 (Fall 1:51)
Champ. Round 1 – Braydon Stone (Columbia Falls) 18-17 won by decision over Ryan Kipp (Browning) 12-10 (Dec 17-10)
Champ. Round 1 – Dan Cheff iii (Ronan) 8-3 won by fall over Isaak Maxfield (Stevensville / Victor) 19-21 (Fall 0:55)
Champ. Round 1 – Tim Carvey (Libby / Troy) 29-14 won by fall over Abel Kimmel (Polson) 0-2 (Fall 0:52)
Champ. Round 1 – Hyme Anderson (Hamilton / Darby) 22-23 won by fall over Aalec Pace (Whitefish) 7-20 (Fall 2:43)
Champ. Round 1 – Michael Edwards (Frenchtown) 22-5 won by fall over Derrik Gasvoda (Corvallis) 22-21 (Fall 3:57)
170 pounds
2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
Cons. Round 2 – Tanner Wood (Libby / Troy) 22-27 won by fall over Jesse Littleboy (Ronan) 4-15 (Fall 0:59)
Cons. Round 2 – Canyon Shope (Frenchtown) 21-18 won by fall over Paul Christian (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 3-13 (Fall 0:34)
Quarterfinals and WB
Quarterfinal – Ben Windauer (Columbia Falls) 38-8 won by fall over Hunter Riley (Stevensville / Victor) 8-12 (Fall 0:53)
Quarterfinal – Charlie Bullcalf (Browning) 9-11 won by major decision over Canyon Shope (Frenchtown) 21-18 (MD 14-5)
Quarterfinal – Emmit Augare (Browning) 28-5 won by fall over Ash Norris (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 4-11 (Fall 3:51)
Quarterfinal – Hunter Fritsch (Polson) 14-3 won by fall over Tanner Wood (Libby / Troy) 22-27 (Fall 1:58)
Round 1 (16 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – Hunter Riley (Stevensville / Victor) 8-12 won by decision over Jesse Littleboy (Ronan) 4-15 (Dec 8-2)
Champ. Round 1 – Emmit Augare (Browning) 28-5 won by fall over Paul Christian (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 3-13 (Fall 0:53)
182 pounds
2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
Cons. Round 2 – Hunter Probst (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 4-14 won by fall over Kale Wanner (Hamilton / Darby) 9-30 (Fall 2:08)
Quarterfinals and WB
Quarterfinal – Colten Mcphee (Columbia Falls) 36-9 won by fall over Ethan Borden (Libby / Troy) 12-23 (Fall 0:19)
Quarterfinal – Ryan Longtime sleeping (Browning) 18-6 won by fall over Noah Humphrey (Polson) 9-6 (Fall 0:59)
Quarterfinal – Tate Jones (Frenchtown) 28-14 won by fall over Hunter Probst (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 4-14 (Fall 0:54)
Quarterfinal – Justin Mays (Ronan) 21-5 won by fall over Fisher Billsborough (Columbia Falls) 0-1 (Fall 1:13)
Round 1 (16 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – Noah Humphrey (Polson) 9-6 won by fall over Kale Wanner (Hamilton / Darby) 9-30 (Fall 1:40)
205 pounds
2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
Cons. Round 2 – Joe Schildt (Browning) 7-2 won by fall over Jacob Boggs (Browning) 11-15 (Fall 1:46)
Cons. Round 2 – Jacob Woods (Stevensville / Victor) 3-10 won by fall over Aidan Vanostrand (Stevensville / Victor) 11-17 (Fall 2:08)
Cons. Round 2 – Cody Miller (Frenchtown) 12-10 won by fall over Preston Hales (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 2-6 (Fall 2:27)
Quarterfinals and WB
Quarterfinal – Kyle Anderson (Hamilton / Darby) 35-9 won by fall over Preston Hales (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 2-6 (Fall 1:53)
Quarterfinal – Wesley Pablo (Ronan) 15-13 won by fall over Aidan Vanostrand (Stevensville / Victor) 11-17 (Fall 1:22)
Quarterfinal – Levi Downard (Frenchtown) 19-11 won by decision over Jasper Drake (Polson) 1-1 (Dec 6-1)
Quarterfinal – Jakob Freeman (Columbia Falls) 26-11 won by fall over Joe Schildt (Browning) 7-2 (Fall 1:13)
Round 1 (16 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – Kyle Anderson (Hamilton / Darby) 35-9 won by fall over Jacob Boggs (Browning) 11-15 (Fall 1:19)
Champ. Round 1 – Jasper Drake (Polson) 1-1 won by fall over Jacob Woods (Stevensville / Victor) 3-10 (Fall 1:18)
Champ. Round 1 – Joe Schildt (Browning) 7-2 won by fall over Cody Miller (Frenchtown) 12-10 (Fall 5:30)
285 pounds
2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
Cons. Round 2 – Tyler Woods (Stevensville / Victor) 21-12 won by decision over Bailey Hayes (Hamilton / Darby) 15-22 (Dec 9-4)
Cons. Round 2 – Tucker Ewalt (Corvallis) 5-9 won by fall over Coy Whyte (Hamilton / Darby) 8-7 (Fall 2:34)
Cons. Round 2 – Cyrus Sweedman (Libby / Troy) 31-16 won by fall over Anthony Weary (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 1-13 (Fall 0:18)
Quarterfinals and WB
Quarterfinal – Kyler Koski (Columbia Falls) 17-5 won by decision over Cyrus Sweedman (Libby / Troy) 31-16 (Dec 4-1)
Quarterfinal – Jesse Mecham (Frenchtown) 34-11 won by fall over Sam Mocabee (Ronan) 11-8 (Fall 5:52)
Quarterfinal – Talylor Gladeau (Columbia Falls) 27-5 won by fall over Coy Whyte (Hamilton / Darby) 8-7 (Fall 2:26)
Quarterfinal – Wacey Zuback (Browning) 6-1 won by fall over Tyler Woods (Stevensville / Victor) 21-12 (Fall 0:54)
Round 1 (16 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – Cyrus Sweedman (Libby / Troy) 31-16 won by fall over Bailey Hayes (Hamilton / Darby) 15-22 (Fall 1:48)
Champ. Round 1 – Jesse Mecham (Frenchtown) 34-11 won by fall over Tucker Ewalt (Corvallis) 5-9 (Fall 1:47)
Champ. Round 1 – Wacey Zuback (Browning) 6-1 won by fall over Anthony Weary (Beaverhead Co. (Dillon) / Twin Bridges / Sheridan) 1-13 (Fall 0:17)