High School Sports


Missoula Sentinel Spartans girls basketball dominates Big Sky


MISSOULA – The winter break is over and high school basketball is back in full swing. What better way to celebrate than with a cross-city double-header? it’s Big Sky vs Sentinel. The girls start us off.

Midway through the second, Shelby Schweyen gets the steal and takes it all the way for the layup and it’s 33-10 Lady Spartans.

Now in the 3rd quarter Jordyn Schweyen finds Kylie Frolich down low for the easy 2, making it 46-24.

Still in the third Frolich again, this time sinking a 3 from the right wing and Sentinel is steamrolling.

One more for good measure, Sentinel gets another steal, Shelby Shweyen to Grace Stayner who saves it and finds Frolich for another layup.

The Lady Spartans dominate and take this one 90-48.