High School SportsHigh School Boys Basketball


Q2 AOW: Broadview-Lavina coach Scott Severance has new perspective after bout with cancer

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LAVINA — Scott Severance is in year five with the Broadview-Lavina boys basketball team, yet there were question marks surrounding his tenure last season.

Early on, Severance was diagnosed with cancer. He stayed on the sidelines, though, and helped guide the Pirates to the Southern C divisional tournament.

“I’m very appreciate to the doctors and the people at Frontier Cancer Center. We caught it early and as of right now I’m simply on surveillance," said Severance. "I have to keep an eye on it, go in for blood work and different things, but as of right now things are good.”

That’s right, he’s got a clean bill of health right now. But it certainly put things into perspective for Severance as he cherished those moments in the gym.

“I certainly believe in God and that there’s a power way beyond anything that we have right here. I guess when you’re kind of faced with health concerns, and I’ve been very fortunate to have good health my entire life – Just like what I’m asking these guys to do, I caught myself having to do," Severance said. "I had to focus on today, the here and now and the moments I have with family and the moments I have with these guys and maybe get away from the big picture, because the big picture might shrink.”

Severance didn’t really consider taking a step back, either. Thanks to the encouragement of a friend, they caught the cancer early, which could potentially have been lifesaving. It certainly helped to have the communities of both Broadview and Lavina in his corner, too.

“I started coaching out here, it was going to be a one-year deal. This is year five, and that speaks to the support and the people in the community. It’s just been awesome," Severance said. "They’ve been grateful for what I’m able to provide, and I’m extremely grateful for what they provide my son and I.”

He may have a new perspective patrolling the sidelines, but he’s still that same fiery competitor.