HELENA — The Great Falls Voyagers made their way to Kindrick Legion Field on Thursday for a seven-inning exhibition game against the Helena Senators.
During the game,respective pitchers and catchers caught and pitched for their own teams.
“I mean, we're pitching against ourselves. So you're obviously going to want to get a hit off your buddy who's in the dugout with you and just try to keep playing high level baseball like we have been and not take a bump in the road,” said Senators catcher Trysten Mooney.
Though it was just an exhibition game, this legion team took it seriously.
“Oh, we definitely want to have fun, but we definitely want to take it seriously. Don't want to go out there and just mess around and have errors and stuff like that. So, play hard,” said Hunter Bratcher, Senators outfielder and pitcher.

They were excited to learn from baseball players at the next level.
“I think just having fun and seeing different competition and like their level of play to just like they're all role models and just want to be like that one day, and it's fun to play against them,” said Mooney.
The Senators are currently 15-4 on the season and on a 10-game win streak, but that hasn’t been their focus.
“Oh, we haven't really talked that much about the win streak. We just want to keep playing good baseball. Our pitchers have a thrown good so it really just takes pressure off and [we can] just keep playing.”
The Senators next game will be held at home on Saturday against the Missoula Mavericks.